

Working Papers

What is Newsworthy? Theory and Evidence
(with Luis Armona, Emir Kamenica, and Jesse M. Shapiro)
Last updated: May 2024 

Geographic Variation in Healthcare Utilization: The Role of Physicians
(with Ivan Badinski, Amy Finkelstein, and Peter Hull)
Last updated: April 2024 

Causal Interpretation of Structural IV Estimands
(with Isaiah Andrews, Nano Barahona, Ashesh Rambachan, and Jesse M. Shapiro)
Last updated: October 2023

What Drives Prescription Opioid Abuse? Evidence from Migration
(with Amy Finkelstein, Dean Li, and Heidi Williams)
Last updated: September 2022

Journal Articles

Ideological Bias and Trust in Information Sources
(with Michael B. Wong and Allen T. Zhang)
AEJ: Micro. Conditionally accepted.

The Effects of Facebook and Instagram on the 2020 Election: A Deactivation Experiment
(with Hunt Allcott, Winter Mason, Arjun Wilkins, …, Natalie J. Stroud, and Joshua Tucker)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121 (21). May 2024.

Cross-Country Trends in Affective Polarization
(with Levi Boxell and Jesse M. Shapiro)
Review of Economics and Statistics. 106 (2). March 2024.
Data Series | Ungated Manuscript

Pricing Power in Advertising Markets: Theory and Evidence
(with Jesse M. Shapiro, Frank Yang, and Ali Yurukoglu)
American Economic Review. 114 (2). February 2024.
Ungated Manuscript

Like-Minded Sources on Facebook are Prevalent but not Polarizing
(with Brendan Nyhan, Jaime Settle, Emily Thorson, Magdalena Wojcieszak, Pablo Barberá, …, Natalie J. Stroud, and Joshua Tucker)
Nature. 620. July 2023.

How do Social Media Feed Algorithms Affect Attitudes and Behavior in an Election Campaign?
(with Andrew Guess, Neil Malhotra, Jennifer Pan, Pablo Barberá, …, Natalie J. Stroud, and Joshua Tucker)
Science. 381. July 2023.

Reshares on Social Media Amplify Political News but do not Detectably Affect Beliefs or Opinions
(with Andrew Guess, Neil Malhotra, Jennifer Pan, Pablo Barberá, …, Natalie J. Stroud, and Joshua Tucker)
Science. 381. July 2023.

Asymmetric Ideological Segregation in Exposure to Political News on Facebook
(with Sandra González-Bailón, David Lazer, Pablo Barberá, …, Natalie J. Stroud, and Joshua Tucker)
Science. 381. July 2023.

Affective Polarization did not Increase during the Coronavirus Pandemic
(with Levi Boxell, Jacob Conway, and James N. Druckman)
Quarterly Journal of Political Science. 17(4). October 2022.
Replication Archive | Ungated Manuscript

Digital Addiction
(with Hunt Allcott and Lena Song)
American Economic Review. 112(7). July 2022.
Replication Archive | Data Archive | Ungated Manuscript

Selection with Variation in Diagnostic Skill: Evidence from Radiologists
(with David C. Chan and Chuan Yu)
Quarterly Journal of Economics. 137(2). May 2022.
Ungated Manuscript

Estimating Experienced Racial Segregation in US Cities using Large-Scale GPS Data
(with Susan Athey, Billy Ferguson, and Tobias Schmidt)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(46). November 2021.
Ungated Manuscript

Place-Based Drivers of Mortality: Evidence from Migration
(with Amy Finkelstein and Heidi Williams)
American Economic Review. 111(8). August 2021.
Ungated Manuscript

Polarization and Public Health: Partisan Differences in Social Distancing during the Coronavirus Pandemic
(with Hunt Allcott, Levi Boxell, Jacob Conway, Michael Thaler, and David Yang)
Journal of Public Economics. 191. November 2020.
Replication Archive | Ungated Manuscript

On the Informativeness of Descriptive Statistics for Structural Estimates
(with Isaiah Andrews and Jesse M. Shapiro)
Econometrica. 88(6). Fisher-Schultz Lecture. November 2020.
Comments: BonhommeKitamuraSantos | Rejoinder | Online Appendix
Copyright 2019, Econometric Society

Transparency in Structural Research
(with Isaiah Andrews and Jesse M. Shapiro)
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 38(4). August 2020.
Comments: BonhommeTaberTamer

The Welfare Effects of Social Media
(with Hunt Allcott, Luca Braghieri, and Sarah Eichmeyer)
American Economic Review. 110(3). March 2020.
Survey Instruments | Replication Code | Video | Ungated Manuscript | Qualitative Study

Uniform Pricing in US Retail Chains
(with Stefano Dellavigna)
Quarterly Journal of Economics. 134(4). November 2019.
Online Appendix | Ungated Manuscript

Measuring Group Differences in High-Dimensional Choices: Method and Application to Congressional Speech
(with Jesse M. Shapiro and Matt Taddy)
Econometrica. 87(4). July 2019.
Online Appendix | Data | Minimal Example
Copyright 2019, Econometric Society

Trends in the Diffusion of Misinformation on Social Media
(with Hunt Allcott and Chuan Yu)
Research and Politics. 6(2). April 2019.
Online Appendix | Ungated Version | Replication Code

Measuring the Sensitivity of Parameter Estimates to Estimation Moments
(with Isaiah Andrews and Jesse M. Shapiro)
Quarterly Journal of Economics. 132(4). November 2017
Copyright 2017, Oxford Journals
Online Appendix | Erratum

Greater Internet Use is Not Associated with Faster Growth in Political Polarization among US Demographic Groups
(with Levi Boxell and Jesse M. Shapiro)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114(40). October 3, 2017.
Copyright 2017, National Academy of Sciences
Working Paper Version

Bayesian Persuasion with Multiple Senders and Rich Signal Spaces
(with Emir Kamenica)
Games and Economic Behavior. 104. July 2017.

Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election
(with Hunt Allcott)
Journal of Economic Perspectives. 31(2). Spring 2017.
Copyright 2017, American Economic Association.
Online Appendix | Data | Replication Code

Adjusting Risk Adjustment
(with Amy Finkelstein, Peter Hull and Heidi Williams)
New England Journal of Medicine. 376(7). February 2017.

Competition in Persuasion
(with Emir Kamenica)
Review of Economic Studies. 84 (1). January 2017.
Copyright 2017, Oxford Journals

Sources of Geographic Variation in Health Care: Evidence from Patient Migration
(with Amy Finkelstein and Heidi Williams)
Quarterly Journal of Economics. 131 (4). November 2016.
Copyright 2016, Oxford Journals
Online Appendix

Do Pharmacists Buy Bayer? Informed Shoppers and the Brand Premium
(with Bart Bronnenberg, J.P. Dubé and Jesse M. Shapiro)
Quarterly Journal of Economics. 130 (4). November 2015.
Copyright 2015, Oxford Journals
Online Appendix

Do Newspapers Serve the State? Incumbent Party Influence on the US Press, 1869-1928
(with Nathan Petek, Jesse M. Shapiro and Michael Sinkinson)
Journal of the European Economic Association. February 2015.
Copyright 2015, European Economic Association
Online Appendix | Data

Competition and Ideological Diversity: Historical Evidence from US Newspapers
(with Jesse M. Shapiro and Michael Sinkinson)
American Economic Review. 104(10). October 2014.
Copyright 2014, American Economic Association.
Online Appendix | Cost and Revenue Data | Readership Data | Circulation Data

The Evolution of Brand Preferences: Evidence from Consumer Migration
(with Bart Bronnenberg and Jean-Pierre Dube)
American Economic Review. 102 (6). October 2012.
Copyright 2012, American Economic Association.
Online Appendix

The Effect of Newspaper Entry and Exit on Electoral Politics
(with Jesse M. Shapiro and Michael Sinkinson)
American Economic Review. 101 (7). December 2011.
Copyright 2011, American Economic Association.
Online Appendix Data

Ideological Segregation Online and Offline
(with Jesse M. Shapiro)
Quarterly Journal of Economics. 126 (4). November 2011.
Copyright 2011, Oxford Journals.
Online Appendix Model Appendix

Bayesian Persuasion
(with Emir Kamenica)
American Economic Review. 101 (6). October 2011.
Copyright 2011, American Economic Association.
Online Appendix

What Drives Media Slant? Evidence from U.S. Daily Newspapers
(with Jesse M. Shapiro)
Econometrica. 78 (1). January 2010.
Copyright 2010, The Econometric Society.
Online Appendix | Newspaper Data | Congress Data

Competition and Truth in the Market for News
(with Jesse M. Shapiro)
Journal of Economic Perspectives. Spring, 2008.
Copyright 2008, American Economic Association.

Preschool Television Viewing and Adolescent Test Scores Historical Evidence from the Coleman Study
(with Jesse M. Shapiro)
Quarterly Journal of Economics. CXXIII (1). February 2008.
Copyright 2008, MIT Press.

Valuing New Goods in a Model with Complementarities: Online Newspapers
American Economic Review. 97 (3). June 2007.
Copyright 2007, American Economic Association.
Working Paper Version

Television and Voter Turnout
Quarterly Journal of Economics. CXXI (3). August 2006.
Copyright 2006, MIT Press.

Media Bias and Reputation
(with Jesse M. Shapiro)
Journal of Political Economy. 114(2). April, 2006.
Copyright 2006, University of Chicago Press.
Online Appendix

Media, Education, and Anti-Americanism in the Muslim World
(with Jesse M. Shapiro)
Journal of Economic Perspectives. Summer, 2004.
Copyright 2004, American Economic Association.

Other Works

The Pandemic Actually Helped Bring Americans Together – Briefly
(with Levi Boxell, Jacob Conway, and James N. Druckman)
The Washington Post. August 2021.

What Explains Temporal and Geographic Variation in the Early US Coronavirus Pandemic?
(with Hunt Allcott, Levi Boxell, Jacob Conway, Billy Ferguson, and Benny Goldman)
Working paper. August 2021
Replication Archive

How Addicted Are People to Social Media?
(with Hunt Allcott and Lena Song)
The Washington Post. July 2021.

Text as Data
(with Bryan T. Kelly and Matt Taddy)
Journal of Economic Literature 57(3). September 2019.
Copyright 2019, American Economic Association.

Analyzing Polarization in Social Media: Method and Application to Tweets on 21 Mass Shootings 
(with Dorottya Demszky, Nikhil Garg, Rob Voigt, James Zou, Jesse M. Shapiro, and Dan Jurafsky)
17th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL). June 2019.
Code & Data

Media and Artificial Intelligence
Toulouse Network for Information Technology whitepaper. 2018.

A Note on Internet Use and the 2016 Election Outcome
(with Levi Boxell and Jesse M. Shapiro)
PLOS One. 13(7). July 2018.
Appendix | Replication Archive

Is Media Driving Americans Apart?
(with Levi Boxell and Jesse M. Shapiro)
The New York Times. December 2017.

Small Media, Big Impact
Science. November 2017.

Disclosure of Endogenous Information
(with Emir Kamenica)
Economic Theory Bulletin. May 2016.

A Rothschild-Stiglitz Approach to Bayesian Persuasion
(with Emir Kamenica)
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. May 2016.

Polarization in 2016
Toulouse Network for Information Technology whitepaper2016.

Media Bias in the Marketplace: Theory
(with Jesse M. Shapiro and Daniel Stone)
Handbook of Media Economics. Vol. 2. Anderson, Waldofgel, and Stromberg, eds. 2016.

Ideology and Online News
(with Jesse M. Shapiro)
In Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy. Goldfarb, Greenstein, and Tucker, eds. 2015.

Trading Dollars for Dollars: The Price of Attention Online and Offline
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. 104 (5). May 2014.
Copyright 2014, American Economic Association.
Online Appendix

Costly Persuasion
(with Emir Kamenica)
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. 104 (5). May 2014.
Copyright 2014, American Economic Association.

Persuasion: Empirical Evidence
(with Stefano DellaVigna)
In Annual Review of Economics. Arrow and Bresnahan, eds. Vol 2. 2010.

Market Forces and News Media in Muslim Countries
(with Jesse M. Shapiro)
In Information and Public Choice: From Media Markets to Policy Making. R. Islam, Ed. World Bank, 2008.

The Rise of the Fourth Estate: How Newspapers Became Informative and Why it Mattered
(with Edward L. Glaeser and Claudia Goldin)
In Corruption and Reform: Lessons from America’s Economic History. Glaeser and Goldin, Eds. NBER, 2006.

Notes / Lectures

Fisher-Schultz Lecture: Transparent Structural Estimation 
(from work with Isaiah Andrews and Jesse M. Shapiro)

Replication of Berry et al. (1995)
(with Jesse M. Shapiro)
Code and data

Code and Data for the Social Sciences: A Practitioner’s Guide
(with Jesse M. Shapiro)
(Includes material previously circulated as “Notes for RAs on Writing Code”)
HTML version here
Last updated: January, 2014

NBER Econometric Methods Lectures, 2013: High-Dimensional Data
(with Victor Chernozhukov, Christian Hansen, Jesse M. Shapiro, and Matthew Taddy)